Upcoming Event

January 21: Development of Perforations on U.S. Postage Stamps by Toppan, Carpenter & Casilear & Co. (1855-57); 8:00 p.m. Eastern time

This meeting will be in the Presentation format. Our presenter is one of our original members, Dr. Charles DiComo, a person who has been an exceptional contributor to our hobby.

In addition to his presentation, please feel free to log on early as we offer a social gathering beginning at 7:30 Eastern time, a chance just to chat!


To attend, members must register at the following Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0pcemrrzouEtOODpYukrhdhFxFMtOC_G37. Zoom will send you a unique program link to use the day of the meeting. You should not share the link with anyone else. Everyone must register to receive it.

Also, when you log onto Zoom, please be careful about the use of your video. There have been occasions where participants have inadvertently projected personal activities that are distracting to the presenter and other members of the audience. 

If you have never used Zoom, give yourself a couple of extra minutes when you first click on the program link. Zoom will ask to automatically install itself on your computer. The next meeting Zoom will pop up automatically. (Periodically when you log on, Zoom might prompt you to update the program. That generally only takes a few seconds.)

And if you have not used Zoom in a while, you might also want to log on a few minutes early to take into account some time (usually a couple of minutes) it takes to update the program on occasion.